Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shopping wars

My mission was simple.  Pick up a few stocking stuffers, a toy for a munchkin I forgot to buy for already, and then get the hell out.  The strategically selected battlefield was Zellers.  Toys on sale and overall reasonable prices.  Shopping was completed within 30-40 minutes, right on target.  Line up at the cash was a little long, but was able to bribe my 4 yo shopping partner with a treat, and all was well.  $12.99 toy marked down to $7.99 scanned in at regular price.  Cashier no. 10 called for a price check.  Call went unanswered.  Paged again for a price check.  Again, no answer.  Paged the manager, who arrived at the same time as the call back for a price check.  A minute later the toy dept calls back telling Cashier no. 10 that no, the toy is not a sale item.  I am beginning to boil, we have held up the line for at least 15 mins.  I decide to pay for it, return to the toy aisle and then take the sale sign back to Customer Service with me.  I did not yell, I was not rude, but plainly stated that not only was I inconvenienced for 20 minutes due to the lack of competence by the toy department, but the seven other people behind me in line were inconvenienced as well.  Customer Service Agent gladly directs me to the Manager who happens to be standing nearby.  I relayed my dissatisfaction with having to first wait 20 mins for a price check, to be given the wrong price, and then having to go back to the toy aisle myself to retrieve the very clearly written sign and then to the service desk to be reimbursed my $5.00.  It was a long, bloody battle, but in the end, I emerged victorious and righteous. :)

Mega props to my shopping partner, he was extremely well behaved and charmed an elderly couple who was leaving the store and asked him if he was excited for Christmas.  He said "I'm on number 10 of my Advent calendar!"  He was so good, he really deserved that treat.  Bonus points for picking my favourite, Caramilk. 

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